La filastrocca dell'alfabeto inglese Stampa
Discipline - Lingua inglese
Scritto da Administrator   
Sabato 18 Settembre 2010 13:46

-Lo splendido blog A little Brit of us, interamente dedicato all'apprendimento della lingua inglese per i bambini di scuola primaria, propone una simpaticissima filastrocca dedicata alle lettere dell'alfabeto inglese.

Si tratta di un ottimo strumento per favorire l'approccio dei bambini di classe prima al suono delle letterine inglesi.
La filastrocca è accompagnata dal video che potete visionare sopra.

The Alphabet Rhyme

A is for apple that hangs on a tree
B is for bread that we have for our tea
C is for cup from which I drink
D is for doll whose cheeks are pink
E is for elephant all wrinkled and grey
F is for flowers that blossom in May
G is for garage where we keep the car
H is for honey which comes in a jar
I is for ice cream, cold and sweet
J is for jelly, our favourite treat
K is for kite which flies in the sky
L is for lorry piled up high
M is for milk, all creamy and white
N is for the note I'm going to write
O is for orange, round like a ball
P is for the picture we hang on the wall
Q is for the queen who wears a crown
R is for rain which falls on the ground
S is for school where we go every day
T is for toys with which we play
U is for umbrella which keeps us dry
V is for vegetables we eat with meat pie
W is for winter with cold, dark nights
X is for Xmas tree, glowing with lights
Y is for yacht I go sailing with you
Z is for zebra which lives in the zoo 

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