40 siti web ed apps per creare presentazioni Stampa
Risorse - Strumenti di presentazione
Mercoledì 29 Maggio 2013 19:02


Certamente la creazione di presentazioni resta una delle modalità più comuni di utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali in classe.

Purtroppo ancora troppi colleghi si limitano ad utilizzare programmi come PowerPoint, a pagamento e residenti nel pc.  Fortunatamente sono disponibili una gran quantità di siti web ed apps che, oltre a consentire la creazione di splendide presentazioni, risultano molto semplici da usare.

Qui di seguito ecco un elenco di strumenti di presentazione raccolti da Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero, alcuni dei quali sono già stati recensiti nel mio blog.

  1. 9Slides - A wonderful site and app for adding video/audio narration to a presentation.  Ideal for professional development or teaching a lesson.
  2. Animoto - One of the most popular sites/apps for creating beautiful looking slideshows w/ an educational portal.
  3. AuthorStream - A great way to upload PPT presentations and share them w/ others similar to Slideshare.
  4. Aximedia Slideshow Creator - A wonderful Android app for creating stunning looking slideshows.
  5. Biteslide - A fantastic site for creating interactive presentations that contain all types of media w/ educational portal, where teachers create student accounts.
  6. Electric Slide - Is a nice iOS app that allows users to present all styles of presentations (PPT, Keynote, etc) wirelessly.
  7. eMaze - A nice site that is a cross between Prezi and PP that allows users to zoom around their presentation.  Best of all, a finished presentation can be embedded into a site.
  8. Flixtime - A cool site for mixing photos, videos, and music to create a stunning presentation.
  9. Haiku Deck - A amazing iPad app for creating beautiful looking presentations w/ the ability to upload Creative Commons licensed photos as well as creating charts and graphs.
  10. HelloSlide - A innovative site that allows a user to add narration to their presentations simply by typing in text.
  11. Kizoa - A fun site for creating slideshows or collages w/ a built in photo editor.
  12. Knovio - A nice site for adding video or audio to a powerpoint presentation.  Ideal for Pecha Kucha style presentations.
  13. Magisto - A cool way to create a presentation w/ this video mash-up site/app.
  14. Muvee Cloud - Another nice video mash-up site that creates fun looking movies/presentations by mixing and matching video and music.
  15. Narrable - An innovative site for adding audio to photos to create an engaging slideshow.
  16. Netclick - While Netclick is more of a "student response system" it is a great way to engage an audience through the use of an interactive slideshow.
  17. One True Media - A fantastic video mash-up site for mixing video, audio, and images to creating stunning presentations.
  18. PhotoPeach - One of my favorite sites/apps for creating an interactive slideshow w/ educational portal.  A user can also create a quiz embedded into a slideshow as well.
  19. Photoshow (Roxio) - A nice site for creating slideshows w/ photos, videos, and music, and sharing publicly or privately.
  20. PhotoSnack - A fun site for creating slideshows for blogs, FB, or Twitter.
  21. Popcorn Maker - One of the easiest video mash-ups sites around to creating stunning presentations.
  22. PowToon - Is a new (beta) and wonderful site for creating amazing animated slideshows/presentations.
  23. Present.me - A great site for "flipping" your classroom by adding a video narration side by side to a slideshow.
  24. Reel - A simple site for uploading presentations to garner feedback and self assessment.
  25. Slide.ly - Create a beautiful looking presentation w/ images and music.
  26. Slideful - A fun site for creating beautiful looking slideshows.
  27. Sliderocket - A easy to use site for creating visually engaging slideshows, recently purchased by ClearSlide.
  28. Slideroll - A nice site/app to create slideshows and publish them on the web.
  29. Slideshare - One of the most popular sites around for uploading and sharing presentations in a secure environment.
  30. SlideShark - A nice iOS app for view and editing PPT on the iPhone or iPad.
  31. Slideshow Creator - SSC on Google+ is probably one of the most popular way to create slideshows in a safe environment for students.
  32. Smilebox - A very popular site for creating beautiful looking slideshows, collages, presentations and more.
  33. Soo Meta - A wonderful site for "flipping" a classroom and creating excellent looking presentations that can be embedded into a blog or site.  Also, there are nice features such as: the ability to embed a poll into a presentation, track usages statistics, and more.
  34. Speaker Deck - A great site for uploading a PDF then turning them into a slideshow that can be embedded into a site or blog.
  35. Swipe - A new (private beta) site for creating beautiful looking slideshows that can be used on any device.
  36. TotSplash - An innovative presentation and brainstorming tool for creating engaging presentations that can be embedded into a site/blog.
  37. Vivapitch - A nice plugin for PPT and Android to engage audiences on mobile devices.
  38. Vizlingo - A cool site for making a slideshow out of text.
  39. Vuvox - A great site for creating stunning presentations and slideshows.
  40. WebSlides - A neat way to turn Diigo bookmarks into interactive slideshows.

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